Sunday, January 26, 2020

Impacts of Heart Failure on the Body

Impacts of Heart Failure on the Body Helen McHugh Clearly Define Heart Failure. Heart failure occurs when either side of the heart cannot keep up with the flow of blood. It can involve left or right side of the heart or both. It is a combination of decreased cardiac output accompanied by impaired function of the failing heart and the compensatory mechanisms that preserve the cardiac reserve. Usually the left is involved first What organs and which body systems are affected by the disorder? Cardiovascular system – The Heart The respiratory System – The lungs, shortness of breath, chronic, non productive cough. Digestive system – Liver – becomes enlarged, unable to filter toxins and produce needed proteins. , stomach; impaired gastrointestinal function due to poor blood supply and malnutrition, accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity. Urinary System – Kidneys – fluid volume, oedema, impaired rennin,-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism, nocturia(early in process) and oliguria(late sign) Integumentary system Skin and nail bed cyanosis. Pale and sweaty skin Nervous system – Brain – confusion( due to lack of oxygen to brain), sympathetic nervous system activation, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia Endochrine System – Pituatory gland (anti diuretic hormone), and adrenal glands – (aldestorone) – associated with water and sodium retention Lymphatic system – lymphoedema caused by oedema of chronic heart failure Muscular System – muscle fatigue, impaired exercise tolerance due to poor oxygen supply to muscles. (Porth Matfin, 2009) Give a brief overview of the normal function of the body systems affected by this disorder Cardiovascular/Circulatory system Comprised of heart, blood vessels and blood which work together to provide necessary nutrients to the body, removes excretory products from the body, protects the body from infection and maintains body heat. (Human anatomy, 2010) The Respiratory System The respiratory system, comprised of lungs, passages and muscles which are responsible for exchange of gases within the body and also from outside of the body. Oxygen is breathed into the body and transported to all of the parts and then carbon dioxide is breathed out. (Human Anatomy, 2010) The Nervous system The nervous system is the control centre of the body. It controls and regulates the functions of the body. The system is made of of voluntary and involuntary functions. The nervous system, comprised of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and neurons manages the body systems to work together and also for the organs to work together to create a finely tuned human body. (Human Anatomy, 2010) The Urinary System: The urinary system filters and removes waste from the body and also maintains the right balance of salt and electrolytes in the body. The urinary system is very important in controlling homeostasis in the body. It can control the volume of blood in the body to control blood pressure. ‘The kidneys produce and interact with several hormones that are involved in the control of systems outside of the urinary system’ (Taylor, 2013) Digestive system The digestive system is responsible for the process by which food and drink are broken down into their smallest parts so the body can use them to build and nourish cells and to provide energy. Integumentary System ‘Skin forms the body’s outer covering and forms a barrier to protect the body from chemicals, disease, UV light, and physical damage. Hair and nailsextend from the skin to reinforce the skin and protect it from environmental damage. Theexocrine glands of the integumentary system produce sweat, oil, and wax to cool, protect, and moisturize the skin’s surface’ (Taylor, 2013) Endocrine System The endocrine system is made up of the glands of the body and the hormones produced by these glands. The hormones are used to regulate the body to maintain homeostasis. Lymphatic System the lymphatic system carries interstitial fluid from cells and tissues back to the heart, Elements of the lymphatic system find and get rid of foreign bodies and invaders in the body. Muscular system This is responsible for the movement of and within the body. Comprised of three types of muscle; Visceral muscles – found inside the organs of the body(involuntary); cardiac muscle – found in the heart; skeletal muscle – attached to the skeleton and are the voluntary muscles. Define the signs and symptoms of heart failure and explain why these signs and symptoms occur. Fatigue /Weakness – Often experienced as heaviness of limbs and can be due to poor tissue perfusion of skeletal muscles due to poor cardiac output. (Medscape, 2014) Cardiac fatigue is different from normal fatigue as often progresses through the day and is not present in the morning. Due to reduced cardiac output throught the day and lack of oxygen. Confusion/memory impairment/anxiety/restlessness/insomnia. Due to impaired cardiac output throughout the day the brain may not receive enough oxygen and lead to these symptoms. Nocturia – (early stage heart failure)Caused by increased blood return to the heart when person is lying down which causes increased cardiac output, renal blood flow and glomerular filtration. Oliguria – (Late stage heart failure) – caused by decreased cardiac output and resultant renal failure. Orthopnea – Due to decreased pooling of blood in lower extremeties and also due to ascites, too much blood rushes back to the heart and it cannot cope with it through several processes the result is increased airway resistance leading to dyspnoea. (Medscape, 2014) Paroxysmal Nocturnal dyspnoea – This is a sensation of shortness of breath that awakens the patient, possibly due to increased airway resistance (See Orthopnea) (Mukerji., 1990) Abdominal Distention – Due to Ascites Abnormal Heart beat Atrial and Ventricular arrhythmias – Irregular pulse Due to disturbance in contractions of the heart Nausea Due to gastrointestinal problems with the digestive system not receiving enough blood and with the digestive system and liver becoming congested. Increase in blood pressure – Because the heart is not able to pump the blood around the body as effectively and an increase in fluid build up in the body the blood pressure increases. Shortness of breath/gasping for air –Due to acute pulmonary oedema where capillary fluid has moved into the alveoli. Chest Pain/Pressure – Can be due to either primary or secondary myocardial ischemia Cyanosis – due to acute pulmonary oedmea lack of oxygen throughout the body due to poor gas exchange. Palpitations – ‘It can be secondary to sinus tachycardia due to decompensated heart failure, or more commonly, it is due to atrial or ventricular tachyarrhythmias.’ (Medscape, 2014) Weight gain – rapid weight gain is often observed in patients with heart failure due to fluid retention. Crackles in lungs – Can be Due to acute pulmonary oedema where capillary fluid has moved into the alveoli. Chronic Dry, non productive cough which becomes worse when patient is lying down – Congestion of the bronchial mucosa may causes bronchospasm which may cause wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Condition is sometimes called cardiac asthma. List the information taken on his admission that demonstrates these signs and symptoms. Sa02 – 87% on room air – this is too low and sign of poor oxygen saturation. B/P 90/40 – This is low, but may be due to his Lasix medication. Pulse – High – indication his heart may be working too hard or may be due to anxiety of admission and needs to be kept monitored Resps : very high – could be indication of potential cardiac arrest. Low Temperature : 35.8C can be associated with heart failure and worsening conditions (Medscape, 2013) (Cretikos, et al., 2008) To be noted : the above vital signs could also be indicative of asthma attack (, 2012) Circulation : He is hypertensive which, he has CCF and PVD Skin Integrity : Ulcer Lower leg, this could be a symptom of poor nutrition and circulation, which is a symptom of diabetes which is a risk factor of Heart failure. Nutrition : Diabetes and loss of appetite. Diabetes is key risk factor of CCF and loss of appetite is indicative of GI problems associated with heart failure Elimination : Constipated : This could be a sign of the digestive system not working properly due to lack of blood supply Mental State : Confusion could be a sign of lack of oxygen reaching the brain. Emotional Status : Anxiety of his condition could exascerbate his other feelings of anxiety Do you think the diabetes is related to the leg ulcer and amputated left toe? explain. Yes. The most common cause of chronic leg ulcers is poor circulation. Diabetics may have poor circulation due to the increased glucose in the blood and hardening of the blood vessels. This poor blood supply may lead to neuropathy and the nerve damage affects the condition of the skin. A non healing ulcer that causes severe damage to tissue and bone may need amputation. Mr Wrights amputated left toe may have been due to a non healing ulcer. (Mcnair, 2014) (American Diabetes Association, 2014) One of the medications he is taking is Lasix. What does Lasix do? Which body systems are affected by it? Explain why Mr Wright is ordered Lasix Lasix is a diueretic and is used to treat fluid retention in people with heart failure. Lasix is stops the body absorbing too much salt and rids the body of excess fluid and this can help the heart to pump more easily and can help regulate the blood pressure. Body Systems affected by Lasix are Cardiovascular system and Urinary system. List three conditions in Mr Wright’s relevant medical history that are commonly associated with ageing Arthritis Glaucoma Type 2 Diabetes What factors may impact on Mr Wright’s safety in hospital and when he returns home. Hospital: Confusion : Wandering with poor mobility (, 2011) Mobility: Falls risk MRSA Home: Falls Risk Confusion Diabetes Management Asthma Management Allergies(Confusion) Medications (Confusion) What other Health professionals will be involved in his care and what services can they provide for Mr Wright. Cardiologist : Management/ treatments for his CCF Rheumatologist : Care for his Arthritis Opthamologist : Care for his Glaucoma Diabetes Educator : Education and support for his Diabetes Dietician : Help with his diet in relation to his diabetes Podiatrist : Care for his feet, re. diabetes Physiotherapist : Help with mobility Nurse (RDNS): Help with care in the community GP : Treatment, consultations and advice in the community Respiratory Specialist : Consultations, and treatment re, respiratory issues. Phlebotomist : Re. regular blood monitoring Counsellor : Re. Mental health Social Worker : Re. possible support in the community i.e. meals on wheels, community involvement List the nursing documentation you would expect to be used in the care of Mr Wright: Admission Form Pain Observation Chart Fluid Balance Chart Medication Chart Neurovascular Chart Neurological Chart Care Plan Allergies Alert Record Form References: American Diabetes Association, 2014. Foot Complications. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]. Cretikos, M. A. et al., 2008. Respitory rate the neglected vital sign. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]. Human anatomy, 2010. Cardiovascular System. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7th March 2014]. Human Anatomy, 2010. Nervous System. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7th March 2014]. Human Anatomy, 2010. Respiratory System. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7th March 2014]. Mcnair, D. P., 2014. Foot and Leg Ulcers. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]. Medscape, 2013. Association of Low Body Temperature and Poor Outcomes in Patients Admitted With Worsening Heart Failure. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]. Medscape, 2014. Heart Failure and Clincial Presentation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]. Mukerji., V., 1990. Dyspnea, Orthopnea, and Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]., 2011. Delirium. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]., 2012. Acute-severe asthma and status asthmaticus. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]. Porth, C. M. Matfin, G., 2009. Chapter 26, Heart Failure and Circulatory Shock. In: H. Surrena, ed. Pathophysiology Concepts of Altered Health States. China: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, pp. 606-637. Taylor, T., 2013. Integumentary system. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]. Taylor, T., 2013. Urinary System. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9th March 2014]. 1

Friday, January 17, 2020

Ensure A Safe Workplace Essay

The legislation and compliance requirements that are relevant to ABC Chemicals’ for all cabling done on the premise must be conducted by a fully certified and qualified tradesman. A normal IT Technician if not qualified cannot alter or create new Ethernet cables or any cable to be used in the workplace. They cannot re-route or add additional cabling into walls and they cannot install additional wall plates. ABC Chemicals have a mound of hazards that need to be fix before an incident occurs. Being constructed in 2000 the building has been fitted with limited emergency equipment. No emergency plan is displayed in the workplace and no workers have received any training in safe handling of chemicals. These three hazards alone can be catastrophic in causing the majority of the incidents in this business. Not only do they not have an emergency plan multiple vehicle accidents occur in front of the premise, if one were to go through the building no worker would know what to do. ABC Chemicals is situated within 25 metres of a local nursing home for elderly residents and a child care centre that provides day-care for children under five years old. This is a problem as all old chemical drums are placed outside for a month at a time. They are not enclosed or covered meaning any fumes from the drums would be released into the air effecting any businesses in a 25 metre radius, possibly more. Not only are old drums put outside, any material that is used to clean up small spills during the day is thrown straight into the general waste dumpster. Out the back where all the drums and dumpster is situated all that separates an overgrown dry grass paddock is a cyclone fence. If any of the drums falls over and chemicals leak out this can seep through the holes in the fence either cause the dry grass to combust or contaminate the land. If the land was found contaminated the construction of the future community centre would not go ahead. Each hazard that has been found at ABC Chemicals will go through a risk assessment to determine the likely hood of each risk. When assessing the risk three essential steps are taken. The chance of an incident occurring is evaluated then the severity or consequence is calculated or estimated. Once these two factors are found they are used to assign priority for risk  control that uses a risk rating. The building is fitted with limited emergency equipment with no emergency plan displayed in the workplace and no workers have received any training in safe handling of chemicals. These alone could cause a fatality, with the likelihood of this occurring at some time. They are classified as an extreme risk and should have immediate action to reduce their severity. To reduce the risk ABC Chemicals should arrange for all staff to complete training in safe handling of chemicals. Additional emergency equipment should be added to the premise and be easily accessible when an incident occurs and emergency plans should be scattered around the building so wherever you are you should know what is expected of you. The busy intersection in front of the premise is a cause for major injuries. As accidents have occurred in front of the business before it is possible for it to happen. This would be classified as an extreme risk and should be attended to immediately. By applying barricades to the surrounding area can reduce the possibility of a car hitting into the premise and cause major damage. All drums accumulated over a monthly period are placed outside with no coverage. The small spills that occur daily are also cleaned up and thrown into the general waste dumpster. There is no barricades to stop any spills from seeping through the fence into the dry grassed block of land. The fact that the drums are in a 25 meter radius of a local nursing home and a child care centre the fumes of these drums could damage the health of the young children and the elderly. Daily inhalation of these fumes and continuous leakage into the land behind the premise need an immediate solution in new ways of storing their waste until pickup day. This will reduce the chance of people becoming sick and reducing the change of the land behind to become contaminated and cease the future construction of a community centre. These All rags used to clean up small spills are =this could be very dangerous for Risk prioritization goes beyond risk ranking in that it compares scenarios a combinations of specific products and equipment, hazards, and control measures using multiple criteria. Some of these additional criteria may include cost of interventions or control measures, feasibility of implementing control measures, practicality of control measures, effectiveness of control measures, level of public concern, level of  certainty in the estimates and political will. There are many tools that can be used to assess the risks and risk causes. These being Safety data sheets, national and state injury statistics, industrial chemicals notification and assessment scheme and the standards and codes. The SDS provides information about materials before they are purchased and used on-site. It also gives information on potential hazards and effects of each material. The SDS helps by reducing hazards at the assessment stage by assessing the risk and hazard and applying a suitable and less hazardous replacement. SDS are available from the vendor or the manufacturer but can also be viewed online. National and state injure statistics are based on injuries that occur Australia-wide. By gathering this information, trends can be established which can be used to assist the development of precise preventative strategies. With this information, organisations similar to your business can help predict the most likely injuries. The Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme for new and existing products and chemicals relates to compliance with industrial chemicals legislation. The Australian inventory of chemical substances and all existing chemical s must be assessed and certified according to hazardous risk. Standards and codes consist of practical advice on issues and included preventative strategies to assist with hazard control. They are used as a baseline for comparison and a check for businesses to see if they conform to current legislation and meet the duty of care requirements.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Annotated Bibliography On Sugar Sweetened Beverages

Annotated Bibliography Sugar sweetened beverages consumption in Canada and consequences for child health and development Public Policy proposal Philippe Faccio Pereira HLTC23 Instructor: Professor Leanne De Souza TA: Jannah Wigle Date: July 10th, 2015 Introduction: There is a growing concern about how the consumption of Sugar sweetened beverages can affect child health and development. The consumption of these types of beverages among Canadian children was reported to be extremely high in comparison to the recommended amount that children should be consuming. There is some speculation that this high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity. Some of the most popular policies that would assist in the consumption reduction of the types of beverages include: Reduction of advertising of junk food and beverages to children, School-based programme to reduce sugar-sweetened drink consumption, Family-based targeted programme for obese children, and Taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages. The articles selected provide a wide range of suggestions and evidence that can be use to develop an effective public policy that will assist in the reduction in the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverag es among Canadian children. By combining the existing policies and evidence-based suggestions in these article it is possible to develop a policy to effectively reduce the consumption of sugar-sweetenedShow MoreRelatedObesity : A Major Issue1472 Words   |  6 Pagessitting all day in front of the computer. Cities and states should increase the taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages. Taking inspiration from the impact that stiff cigarette taxes have had on smoking, organizations like the American-Academy of Pediatrics, the Institute of Medicine and the American Public Health Association are calling for higher taxes on sugary sodas, energy drinks, fruit drinks and sweetened teas. Their goal is to cut consumption and reduce the number of Americans who are overweightRead MoreAnnotated Biography on Childhood Obesity 1654 Words   |  7 Pageslife-or-death situation where if we fail to control it, many more overweight children will grow up to be obese adults in the future. Obesity usually rises at early age; this positions children to encounter detrimental health problems later in life. The annotated sources validate that obesity is linked with serious health problems, both medical and emotional. Frankly, it is crucial that parents and adolescents are kept up-to-date with the information outlined throughout this argument. About ten years ago

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Security on Social Media - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1055 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Social Media Essay Did you like this example? Social networking has a lot of threats to them over these past few years. A lot of these sites like Facebook deal with security issues on their websites. In their research paper Schaik, Jansen, Onibokun, Camp, Kusev (2018), examined the security threats that is on social networks. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Security on Social Media" essay for you Create order When people share online there will always be concern over the security issues because of what happened just a few days ago with Facebook. It was breached, and someone threatened the founder of Facebook. Security is a big issue when it comes to social networks. There will always be risks involved when people go on these sites. There are many risks when it comes to these sites and Schaik et al., (2018) discussed some in their research. Some of the risks that they pointed out were the behavior of the users. The user would have some behaviors problems when it came to sharing information and it would be a high-risk factor when it comes to these sites. It all about the human behavior to sharing information online that Schaik et al., (2018), talked about. They mostly talked about the beahviors risk when it comes to social networking and what it will do to people online. People who have problems of their own always vent it out on these sites and they get in trouble for it. People beahivor on these social networking sites are becoming more and more problematic. There need to be a solution for these when it comes to these types of problems. People need to takes the time and look at what they can do to help solve these problem. Some people have trouble sharing online because of the internet useage on these sites. The apporach of the people using online webistes have increased over the past few years and it will continue to grow over time. A lot of these sites are being more used than ever befor e like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Users who contact detail have been revelaed have become the subject to harassment in a the most mean ways of cyber-bullying or they might become a vicitm of identify theft (Schaik et al., 2018). People who haved been a vicitm of cyber-bullying have wanted to do terrrible things to themselves. Cyber-bullying need to be stoped soon and fast. Also, people need to look at all the potenital danger of going online. They are some people who go online and do some crazy stuff on there because it can cause more harm than good. With all the risks out there people need to more careful now than ever before. If people take a look of all the security thefts that are out there then it cause more panic then ever before. Risk will always play a factor in secuirty measures. There are three types of aspects when it comes to information security on the computer which are confidentialty, integrity, and availablity (Schaik et al., 2018). People have always needed security is when it comes to going online and being on the computer. Privacy was also researched in the study and they looked at it inside Facebook. Privacy and security are both very important when it comes to working with social media. Schaik et al., (2018), have looked into all the risks when it comes to privacy and security when it comes to working online. There might be vaious approches when it comes to looking at the risks to having the information out there on social media. If people look at availabiltiy people will see there is always a chance of of information being used in a negative light and use for many bad things. Techology have been associated with postive feeling have been judge to less risk and they have been jude to benfit people. (Schaik et al., 2018). People who haved these types of feeling are beoming easy to work with. There are several of statistics that have been out there that dicuss the behavior of humans. When it comes to working with people there behavior comes into question and with social media our behavior tells people who see what people do online as an example of what they are like so people need to be careful about what they don online. There are methods that have been resarched when it comes to techology and human activies (Schaik et al., 2018). Methods that have been look at many people are looking at the different kinds of researchs that are out there. There are some people who have use these methods that inculded high risks of communication to others. Risk awareness have been the subject of research of privacy and security for social media. There are so many security ri sks that are on social meida these days. Security and privacy go along way because there are both important to social media and they serve a purpose. According to Schaik et al., The main purpose of social media, information-sharing, inherently has implications for privacy: for example, whom to shre information with.. (Schaik et al., 2018, p. 284). Privacy haved come a long way since Facebook was first invented. Since there are so many risks to secuity and privacy it has become more and more important that the sites are now more seucure than ever before. There are so many cyber-crime out there that are realted to social media. There are some people who exchange social networks that are vicitms because they knowley share information that are online. There are many types of privacy that people need to be concern about. Facebook have alwys have issues with security and privacy thought the years. People need to have more secutiy when they go on these social media sites . These sites might have their own security but it just not the same as having a person own. When a person have their own personal security they felling more and more sa fe when they go online. There have been many different types of studies to secuity risks on social media. People are now being more cautious than ever before when they go on social media. These sites are going benyond the call of duty to secure these sites and to make sure nothing happeneds to anyone on their sites. There are so many standars and meausre to suecure a network now. With this research people will be now more caution than ever before when they go online.