Monday, February 17, 2020

Segment 10 and 11 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Segment 10 and 11 - Term Paper Example On October 1802, Spain's King Charles IV signed a decree that transferred the Louisiana territory to France and the Spanish representative in New Orleans, following instructions Spanish court, canceled Americans' access to the port's warehouses. These moves angered the United States. Jefferson and Secretary of State James Madison worked to attain a feasible resolution through diplomacy, but other factions called for war, so that the U.S. could seize Mississippi and New Orleans. In January 1803, Jefferson recommended that James Monroe accompany Livingston in Paris as minister extraordinary. This would be called the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Jefferson wrote to Kentucky's governor, James Garrard, to notify him of Monroe's appointment. Monroe was to offer $10 million for the purchase of New Orleans and all, or part of, the Florida territories. If negotiations failed, Monroe was ordered to try buying New Orleans, or, at the very least, ensure American access to the Mississippi and the p ort. When Monroe got to Paris on April 12, 1803, Livingston informed him of different circumstances. Napoleon agreed with the recommendation of France's minister of finance, Francois de Barbe-Marbois, that it would be more strategic for France to sell Mississippi to the U.S., to avoid for it being seized by Britain, in the event of a future war. Soon, the U.S. purchased Louisiana from France for $0.03 per acre, or $15 million. This added around 252 million more acres to the American territory. The War of 1812 concerned the military conflict between the United States and Great Britain from 1812 to 1815. One of the main issues was Impressment, where the British could take away British sailors in American ships. Napoleon's statement in 1810 that revoked his decrees and British refusals to rescind their orders increased the pressures for the U.S. to go to war. On June 18, 1812, President James Madison approved a declaration of war that Congress passed at his request, although not withou t significant opposition. The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812, but it did not resolve the fundamental issues that stimulated the war. The Treaty states that â€Å"all territory, places and possessions whatsoever, taken by either party from the other during the war† would be reinstated, as they were before the war. No one gained anything and Impressment was not duly addressed. Synopsis of Monroe Doctrine President James Monroe delivered a speech on December 2, 1823 that included the Monroe Doctrine. In his message to Congress, Monroe provided a set of principles of the Monroe Doctrine: 1) The Western Hemisphere can no longer be colonized; 2) The political system of the Americas differs from Europe; 3) The United States will consider all intrusions in Western hemispheric affairs as a danger to its security; and 4) The United States will cease from participating in European wars and would not agitate European colonies in the Western Hemisphere. What was Monroe trying to ac hieve with his Monroe Doctrine? Monroe wanted to deal with potential threats to the U.S., specifically that which comes from the interests of European powers in colonizing territories in the New World and to ensure that diplomacy is used first before engaging in any war against other nations. SEGMENT 11 Summary The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, during the 18th century. In the U.S., the industrial revolution started in the nineteenth century. During this time, the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Business Ethics opinion paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Ethics opinion paper - Essay Example It is against the law for an employer to discriminate against people on other factor other than disqualification especially those with disabilities. I agree that discrimination can both be institutional or at individual level. I believe that people can discriminate by stereotyping or on personal prejudice. I understand that other people can unconsciously or thoughtlessly discriminate at workplace while trying to accept the traditions, norms or stereotypes. For instance, an employer can look at women and assume that they should be at home taking care of their families and become biased in making decisions on hiring women to the workplace. Focusing on this example, I suggest that organizations should provide materials and training to avert such situations by condemning actions of stereotyping in the workplace since both men and women have the same opportunity and knowledge of taking up responsibility in any company (Roth 46). Sometimes institutions can intentionally and explicitly discriminate against certain groups. On institutional-based discrimination, I strong believe stern and severe action should be taken to mitigate discrimination to provide examples and curb against discrimination. I strongly disregard institutions that when hiring disrespect people like older employees, marginalized tribes, other sexes or the young in the society. For instance, where a black man is forced to work in the kitchen where he cannot be seen by customers who are believed to be white, I strongly condemn this action since it is against the human rights of the black man. I am of the view that employers should give an opportunity to the black man to undertake responsibilities in the where the whites are working in the restaurant as long as he has the qualifications for the job (Roth 46). My study on general statistics and evidence on occupational discrimination have proved that women worker were the most discriminated whereby they